In the pointless search for originality I am starting a section here on ye ol blog called "Bad Ideas". I am sure it has been done somewhere else, probably even better... but these are my bad ideas and no one can take them away from me.
Without further adieu here is Bad Ideas volume one titled: "Camouflage Yard Sale sign"
Especially effective when placed high in a tree so it can be seen from far away - right!
Or perhaps on that big bush in the front yard so people know exactly which house is having the Yard Sale.
And to be even more original, maybe have the Yard Sale at night, so there is no other competition.
All this begs the question... Does originality guarantee success?
lol! I actually stopped at a place once that had all kinds of great stuff in the driveway. There was another guy and his wife milling around picking through the goods. As I began to make the rounds. The home owner emerged from the back of the garage and said "oh, I am sorry... this is not a yard sale... I am just rearranging my garage." We all laughed and started to leave. As I rounded the mail box heading for my car I passed a family on their way to the "no sale" I smiled and nodded.. but didn't breath a word! lol! true story.
the only way it could be better is if it was a "magic eye" yard sale sign... :)
- Adam
you could leave it on a telephone pole for three weeks AFTER the yard sale has ended...
Oh, anonymous, that is Sooooo my pet peeve....
Kvon - have you checked out the new song on P.S. recently? It's good, really good. My kids are, um, gifted....with creativity if nor orginality
You guys are SO right. Yard Sale etiquette rule #1 "collect your signs BEFORE you count your money!" :)
So are thes YOUR bad ideas... or just observed bad ideas? ;)
"Bad Ideas" was prompted by real events.... the names have been changed to protect the incompetent. ;)
Funny thing is... if I had used "mossy oak" for the background on the sign... I would have a line of Western Colorado Red Necks waiting to purchase these things! lol!
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